This volume of the Calculus and Analysis Introduction series, originally written in English, continues the exploration of mathematical analysis and calculus. The content covers a range of topics, including differential equations, Fourier series, and the theory of measure and integration. It is ideal for students and professionals looking to expand their knowledge of advanced mathematics.
Calculus and Analysis Introduction Volume II Summary
The BUGS Book A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
学习贝叶斯分析的入门书籍之一, 实践性代码较多。理论性较多的入门书籍可以参看Doing Bayesian Data Analysis
65 2018-12-09 -
fourier analysis an introduction习题解答
fourier analysis an introduction 习题解答,
99 2018-12-21 -
An Introduction to Programming for medical Image Analysis with the VTK
主要内容:Programming with Tcl/Tk,the visualization Toolkit,VTK programming with C++
38 2018-12-21 -
Introduction to Analysis Arthur P.Mattuck
30 2019-05-25 -
Transcriptome Analysis Introduction and Examples from the Neurosciences
27 2019-06-05 -
An Introduction to Programming for Medical Image Analysis with the VTKt
27 2019-07-09 -
an introduction to programming for medical image analysis with the visualization
44 2019-06-23 -
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
42 2019-06-23 -
实物分析导论Introduction to Real Analysis
本书向读者介绍了对数学分析的严格理解,并尽可能清晰地介绍了具有挑战性的数学概念。 对于那些想了解数学分析和挑战性数学概念的人。
11 2020-09-03 -
Introduction to Python for Econometrics Statistics and Data Analysis
50 2020-05-25