The document titled 'Python Quiz 1 and Answers (2)' consists of a total of 4 pages, and the current page is 1. The multiple-choice questions in Python Quiz 1 and Answers (2) span across the 4 pages, with the current focus on page 1. 1. The standard file extension for Python program files is (B) A. python B. py C. pt D. pyt 2. Python language employs strict 'indentation' to indicate the format structure of a program. Among the following statements, the one that is incorrect is: C A. Indentation refers to the blank area at the beginning of each line of code, used to denote the inclusion and hierarchical relationship between codes. B. In code writing, indentation can be achieved using the Tab key or multiple spaces, but the two should not be mixed. C. 'Indentation' enhances the readability of program code but does not affect the program structure. D. Code that does not require indentation should be written at the top line without leaving blank space. 3. The correct statement among the following is C A. Python 3.x and Python 2.x are compatible. B. Python language can only be executed in program mode. C. Python is an interpreted language. D. Python language emerged late but possesses all the advantages of other high-level languages. 4. The erroneous statement about Python is (C) A. Python evolved from the ABC language...
Python Quiz 1 and Answers (2)
python quiz2part2P21ebarrospagan python quiz2part2P21ebarrospaga
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