MyBatis, a popular Java persistence framework, is widely used in enterprise-level Java projects. In the interview process, a good understanding of MyBatis is crucial for candidates to showcase their technical depth. Here are 27 carefully selected MyBatis interview questions along with detailed answers to help you prepare for interviews more effectively. 1. What are the advantages of MyBatis? 2. Explain the working principle of MyBatis. 3. What is dynamic SQL in MyBatis? 4. How to configure logging in MyBatis? 5. What is the difference between first-level cache and second-level cache in MyBatis? 6. How to manage transactions in MyBatis? 7. Introduce the plugin mechanism in MyBatis. 8. What is MyBatis reverse engineering? 9. How to perform pagination queries in MyBatis? 10. Explain what ResultMap is in MyBatis. 11. How does MyBatis handle lazy loading? 12. What are MyBatis mapping files? 13. How to execute batch insert in MyBatis? 14. Explain the difference between #{ } and ${ } in MyBatis. 15. How to conduct unit testing in MyBatis? 16. What is a TypeHandler in MyBatis? 17. How to execute stored procedures in MyBatis? 18. What is the interceptor in MyBatis? 19. What configurations are available for the connection pool in MyBatis? 20. Explain one-to-one and one-to-many mapping in MyBatis. 21. How to use annotations for configuration in MyBatis? 22. Introduce the caching mechanism in MyBatis. 23. How to use #{} and ${} in dynamic SQL in MyBatis? 24. How to perform batch processing in MyBatis? 25. How is lazy loading implemented in MyBatis? 26. Explain nested queries in MyBatis. 27. How to achieve optimistic locking in MyBatis? These questions cover the core concepts, common issues, and advanced features of MyBatis, helping you demonstrate excellent technical proficiency in interviews.