Java Blog Graduation Thesis Document

qq_87442184 61 0 doc 2023-12-05 16:12:32

This Java Blog graduation thesis document delves into the development of blogs related to Java, with a focus on analyzing design solutions, technology selection, and system implementation. Starting from the requirements analysis, this document provides a detailed overview of the system's functional modules, including user login, blog publishing, and comment management. In the design phase, we adopt the MVC architecture, illustrating the internal interaction process with detailed class diagrams and sequence diagrams. Additionally, for the database design, we opt for a relational database, outlining the database table structure and key fields. In terms of technology selection, we choose the Spring framework as the backend development framework, leveraging Spring Boot to simplify project configuration. Meanwhile, the frontend utilizes Vue.js for page development, enhancing the user experience. Through the elaboration in this document, readers can gain in-depth insights into the design and implementation of the Java Blog system.

Java Blog Graduation Thesis Document
