这份文档名为"1_U5 Language Quiz.docx",是一份语言测试,主要考察英语词汇在具体语境中的应用。测试包含十个句子,每个句子下方有四个选项(A、B、C、D),需要选择最合适的词或短语来完成句子。以下是这十个句子及其解析,以加深对这些知识点的理解:
"His guilty expression _____ my suspicion." 选项B "confirmed"最适合填入,意为“他的愧疚表情证实了我的怀疑”。
"Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic ___ to North America." 选项D "mission"正确,表示“萨利斯伯里派遣他去北美的外交使命”。
"Experts are trying to ___ ways to clean up the huge slick." 选项A "devise"是最佳选择,意味着“专家们正在努力想出清理巨大油污的方法”。
"They have ___ a number of conditions to the agreement." 选项B "attached"用在这里合适,表示“他们在协议上附加了若干条件”。
"Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his ___." 选项B "principles"最恰当,表明“巴克从不允许自己被逼迫去做违背原则的事情”。
"As autumn ___, the plants and colours in the garden changed." 选项A "approached"适合,意味着“随着秋天的临近,花园中的植物和颜色都发生了变化”。
"The hour-long programme will be updated each week and ___ highlights from recent games." 选项D "feature"正确,表示“这个一小时的节目每周都会更新,包括最近比赛的精彩片段”。
"The agreement would allow the rebels to be _____ into a new national police force." 选项D "incorporated"适合此处,意味着“该协议将允许叛军融入新的国家警察部队”。
"I usually do a rough ____ before I start on a painting." 选项D "sketch"是最佳选择,表示“在开始画画之前,我通常会先画个草图”。
"It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by ____ with something concrete." 选项A "analogy"是正确的,表明“有时通过类比来解释抽象概念更为简单”。