# data-centric AI
Data Centric Project源码
以数据为中心的项目 里克食谱 链接到项目- 项目简介 该项目的目的是创建一个虚拟的食谱网站,该网站使用可以搜索,查看,添加,删除
Programming Entity Framework Building Data Centric
Data Centric Applications with Vaadin8epub
Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系
Topology Based Data Dissemination Approaches for Large Scale Data Centric Networ
Topology-Based Data Dissemination Approaches for Large Scale Dat
I WBAN Enabling Information centric data retrieval in heterogeneous WBAN
I-WBAN: Enabling Information-centric data retrieval in heterogen
Oracle Application Express_Build Powerful Data_Centric Web Apps with APEX
Oracle Application Express_ Build Powerful Data-Centric Web Apps
Efficiency Centric Communication Model for
Caching in information centric networking A survey
Caching in information centric networking: A survey