# learning.

A Matlab toolbox for Deep Learning.

23 RAR 2019-09-05

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning.

Please refer to this page as http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/d.bar
32 PDF 2018-12-07

Neural Networks and Deep Learning.神经网络与深度学习

27 RAR 2019-07-26

Python Machine Learning Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Python Machine Learning Machine Learning and Deep Learning with
103 RAR 2018-12-25

Python Machine Learning Machine Learning And Deep Learning From Scratch

Python Machine Learning Machine Learning And Deep Learning From
24 PDF 2020-07-18

Learning scikitlearn Machine Learning in Python

40 PDF 2019-09-23

Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning

35 PDF 2019-09-03

Combining active learning and semisupervised learning

30 PDF 2019-09-06

MATLAB Deep Learning With Machine Learning

MATLAB Deep Learning With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and
92 pdf 2018-12-21

Learning Active Learning from Data

38 pdf 2019-06-05