# power output.

high power laser output

35 DOC 2018-12-20

Class_D Amplifier With High Output Power and Efficiency

High Frequency Current Mode Class-D Amplifier With High Output P
41 PDF 2018-12-20

high efficiency over large output power dynamic range

31 PDF 2019-09-21

Dual Voltage_Output DAC Consumes Miniscule Power

13 pdf 2022-09-05

High power output from a compact OPCPA laser system

With a tabletop hybrid Nd:YAG-Nd:glass laser as pump source, a c
21 PDF 2021-02-25

Frequency stabilized semimonolithic frequency doubler with high output power

We present a semimonolithic frequency-doubler from 1080 to 540 n
19 PDF 2021-02-20

Efficiency and Output Power Evaluation of a Wavelength Converter Based on FWM in

A frequency domain analysis is presented to determine the perfor
26 PDF 2021-02-09

Smoothing effect of the aggregated photovoltaics power output using mesoscale da

21 PDF 2020-02-28

Enhancement of the far field output power and the beam properties of plasmonic v

Enhancement of the far-field output power and the beam propertie
14 PDF 2021-05-05

Mechanism of enhancing output power of plasmonic very small aperture lasers

Mechanism of enhancing output power of plasmonic very-small-aper
9 PDF 2021-04-04