# power output.
high power laser output
Class_D Amplifier With High Output Power and Efficiency
High Frequency Current Mode Class-D Amplifier With High Output P
high efficiency over large output power dynamic range
Dual Voltage_Output DAC Consumes Miniscule Power
High power output from a compact OPCPA laser system
With a tabletop hybrid Nd:YAG-Nd:glass laser as pump source, a c
Frequency stabilized semimonolithic frequency doubler with high output power
We present a semimonolithic frequency-doubler from 1080 to 540 n
Efficiency and Output Power Evaluation of a Wavelength Converter Based on FWM in
A frequency domain analysis is presented to determine the perfor
Smoothing effect of the aggregated photovoltaics power output using mesoscale da
Enhancement of the far field output power and the beam properties of plasmonic v
Enhancement of the far-field output power and the beam propertie
Mechanism of enhancing output power of plasmonic very small aperture lasers
Mechanism of enhancing output power of plasmonic very-small-aper