嵌入推理在ARM架构的实现案例分析Enabling Embedded Inference Engine with the ARM 嵌入推理在ARM架构的实现案例Enabling Embedded Inference Engine with the ARM Compute Library A Case Study.pdf
The HTK Book3.5 HTKisatoolkitforbuildingHiddenMarkovModels(HMMs).HMMscanbeusedtomodelanytimeseriesandthecoreofHTKissimilarlygeneral-purpose.However,HTKisprimarilydesi
Building Speech Recogni0on Systems with the Kaldi Toolkit SanjeevKhudanpur,DanPoveyandJanTrmalJohnsHopkinsUniversityCenterforLanguageandSpeechProcessing
自动语音识别ASR讲义397页全Steve Renals Hiroshi Shimodaira AutomaticSpeechRecognition|ASRLecture.About18lectures,plusacoupleofextralecturesonbasicintroductiontoneuralnetworks.Lecturers:SteveRenalsandHiroshiShi
The Application of Hidden Markov Models in Speech Recognition Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) provide a simple and effective framework for modelling time-varying spectral vector sequences. As a consequence, almost al
DNN_HMM Based Multilingual Recognizer of Telephone Speech This thesis deals with the multilingual acoustic modeling problem based on the shared global phones inventory for five East Eurpoean languages: Czech,
Kaldi语音识别实验讲义全UniversityofEdinburgh The main goal of this lab is to get acquainted with Kaldi. We will begin by creating and exploring a data directory for the TIMIT dataset. Then we wil