Quantum Computing since Democritus Scott Aaronson Written by noted quantum computing theorist Scott Aaronson, this book takes readers on a tour through some of the deepest ideas of maths, computer sci
QuantumMachineLearning_WhatQuantumComputingMeanstoDataMining FundamentalConceptsClassicalLearningAlgorithmsQuantumComputingandMachineLearning
Quantum algorithms for algebraic problems Quantum computers can execute algorithms that dramatically outperform classical computation. As the best-known example, Shor discovered an efficient q
Explorations in Quantum Computing Explorations in Quantum Computing What is Quantum Computing? What Can You Do with a Quantum Computer? What Can You Do with Quantum Information? Toward
Quantumwalksacomprehensivereview Quantum walks, the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical random walks, is an advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that has been recentl