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To summarize, deep learning, the subject of this book, is an approach to AI. Specifically, it is a type of machine learning, a technique that allows c

"simpler, easier, and faster"Creating dynamic web pageseven a few years agomeant writing a lot of code in the C or Perl languages, and then calling an

Common Lisp,一般缩写为 CL(不要和缩写同为CL的組合邏輯混淆),是Lisp的方言,标准由ANSI X3.226-1994定义。它是为了标准化此前众多的Lisp分支而开发的,它本身并不是一个具体的实现而是各个Lisp实现所遵循的规范。 相对于各种嵌入在特定产品中的语言Emacs Lisp