Knowledge Graphs.pdf Though the phrase “knowledge graph” has been used in the literature since at least 1972 [439], the modern incarnation of the phrase stems from the 201
A Survey on Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition.pdf NAMED Entity Recognition (NER) aims to recognizementions of rigid designators from text belonging to predefined semantic types such as person, locatio
A Survey on Knowledge GraphsRepresentation Acquisition and Applications.pdf Abstract—Human knowledge provides a formal understand- ing of the world. Knowledge graphs that represent structural relations between entities have be
A Survey on Contextual Embeddings.pdf contextual embedding 综述 Contextual embeddings, such as ELMo and BERT, move beyond global word represen- tations like Word2Vec and achieve ground- brea
R语言文本挖掘 R语言环境下的文本挖掘,文本挖掘被描述为“自动化或半自动化处理文本的过程”,包含了文档聚类、文档分类、自然语言处理、文体变化分析及网络挖掘等领域内容。对于文本处理过程首先要拥有分析的语料(textcorpus),比如报告、信函、出版物等。而后根据这些语料建立半结构化的文本库(textdatabase