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When Apple released the first beta of i OS 7 at WWDC 2013 , I scoured through the API changes looking for anything out of the ordinary. That’s when I
iOS 7

I’m not sure where I first came across the Scala language. Maybe on a fo- rum for programming language enthusiasts such as Lambda the Ultimate, or may

Apache Kylin是Hadoop大数据平台上的一个开源OLAP引擎,将大数据的查询速度和并发性能提升至原来的百倍以上,为超大规模数据集上的交互式大数据分析打开了大门。本书由Apache Kylin核心开发团队编写,系统地介绍了Apache Kylin安装、入门、可视化、模型调优、运维、二次开发
DNS 22

Backin2003,whenIwantedtoimplementchartsformyhomepage,Flash-based chartingsolutionsweretotallydominatingthemarket.Iresentedtheideaofmeeting mynontechni

NGINXisahigh-performancewebserverdesignedtouseveryfewsystem resources.Therearemanyhow-to'sandexampleconfigurationsfloatingaroundon theWeb.Thisguidewil
