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This series is published jointly by the Mathematical Optimization Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It includes research

本资源包括了: 1. Convex Optimization -- Stephen Boyd 2. 凸优化中文版 3. convex optimization solution 4. CVX user's guide 5. First-Order Methods in OptiMizatiOn

菜菜完整机器学习教程,内含code和从参数说明,以及参考书目的目录等 01 决策树课件数据源码 02随机森林 03数据预处理和特征工程 04主成分分析PCA与奇异值分解SVD 05逻辑回归与评分卡 06聚类算法Kmeans 07支持向量机上 08支持向量机下等

Rapid advances in data collection and storage technology have enabled organizations to accumulate vast amounts of data. However, extracting useful inf