kNearest Neighbor Classification thispaper,theproblemofclassifyinganunseen patternonthebasisofitsnearestneighborsinarecordeddataset isaddressedfromthepointofviewofDempster-Shafertheor
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Policybased Selfhealing for Radio Access Networks Variouscentralized,distributedorcooperativemanagementsystemshavebeenproposedtoaddressthedemandsofwirelesstelecommunicationnetworks.However,considering
Analysis of fMRI Data Abstract—Clusteringanalysisisapromisingdata-drivenmethodforanalyzingfunctionalmagneticresonanceimaging(fMRI)timeseriesdata.Thehugecomputationalload,ho
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Anomaly Detection in IP Networks Network anomaly detection is a vibrant research area. Researchers have approached this problem using various techniques such as artificial intelligenc
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An Improved Hierarchically Adaptive Distributed Fault Diagnosis The purpose of fault diagnosis in mobile ad hoc network is to have each fault-free node to determine the state of all nodes in the system. This paper