Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations基于偏微分方程的图像处理part10f Proceedings of the International Conference on PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse problems,2005 by Xue-Cheng Tai (Editor), Knut-Andreas Li
Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations基于偏微分方程的图像处理part30f Proceedings of the International Conference on PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse problems,2005 by Xue-Cheng Tai (Editor), Knut-Andreas Li
Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations基于偏微分方程的图像处理part40f4 分4 部分上传的,这是最后一部分 Proceedings of the International Conference on PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse problems,2005 by Xue-Cheng Tai (Editor)
Mathematical Problems in Image Processing Partial Differential Equations and the Mathematical Problems in Image Processing ——Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations Second Edition by Gilles Aubert and Pierre K
Introduction to the Theory of Nonlinear Optimization J.Jahn Springer2007非线 by Johannes Jahn (Author) This book serves as an introductory text to optimization theory in normed spaces. The topics of this book are existence resu
Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations基于偏微分方程的图像处理part20f ProceedingsoftheInternationalConferenceonPDE-BasedImageProcessingandRelatedInverseproblems,2005byXue-ChengTai(Editor),Knut-AndreasLie(Editor),TonyF.Ch
image processing and analysis variational PDE wavelet stochastic methods 这是一本图像处理与分析的数学基础英文书,国内已有影印版了,它涉及变分、偏微分方程、小波、随机方法等数学基础知识,讲述了图像去噪、图像分割、图像修复、图像去模糊等。另外需要说明的是,此书是djvu格式的。