Trade_Off Between Diversity and Accuracy in Ensemble Generation Thischapterincludesabriefoverviewofensemblelearningingeneralandpresentsacritiqueontheutilityofmulti-objectiveevolutionaryalgorithmsfortheirdesign.
InductiveLearningofTree_basedRegressionModel This thesis explores different aspects of the induction of tree-based regression models from data. The main goal of this study is to improve the predi
MiningBothPositiveandNegativeImpact_OrientedSequentialRules This article present a notion of impact-oriented negative sequential rules, in which the left side is a postive sequential pattern or its negation, an
Bias in random forest variable importance measures This thesis proposes to employ an alternative random forest method, the variable importance measure of which can be employed to reliably select releva
JAQS开源量化策略研究平台 quantOS量化开源系统架构中的策略研发模块,由交易专家和金融技术专家共同设计,实现了自动化信号研究、高效策略开发和多维度回测分析,支持Alpha、CTA、套利等策略的实现。JAQS从实战而来,经实盘检验,本地化开发部署,保障策略安全。