A_Comparative_Approach_to_ECG_Feature_Extraction_Methods This paper discusses six most frequent methods used to extract different features in Electrocardiograph (ECG) signals namely Autoregressive (AR), Wave
国科大模式识别与机器学习黄庆明20152020考试题目总结 绝对良心!按照考点整理了【2015-2020】年的【考点和练习题】。 考点包括贝叶斯判别,线性判别,K-L变换,统计学习概论,聚类和降维,SVM,Logistic回归,概率图,NN,集成学习。
综述用于存算一体的存储器件及其应用 Sebastian, A., Le Gallo, M., Khaddam-Aljameh, R. et al. Memory devices and applications for in-memory computing. Nature Nanotechnol. 15, 529–544 (2020
A Survey of ReRAM Based Architectures for Processing In Memory and NN 一篇综述,以阻变存储器ReRAM为构架的存算一体和神经网络技术 In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for designing ReRAM-based PIM and NN architectures. By classifying th
FoundationsofComputerScience CEdition 数据结构课程哥伦比亚大学课程(DatastructuresinC/C++)专用教材,FoundationsofComputerScience,CEdition作者:AlfredV.Aho,LawrenceGussmanProfessorofComputerScienceatColumbiaUnive
QRSFeatureExtractionUsingLinearPrediction This communication proposes a method called linear prediction (a high performant technique in digital speech processing) for analyzing digital ECG sig
DetectionofECGCharacteristicPointsUsingWaveletTransform An algorithm based on wavelet transforms (WT's) has been developed for detecting ECG characteristic points. With the multiscale feature of WT's, the Q
射频微电子学RF Microelectronics拉扎维Behzard Razavi 射频微电子学(RF Microelectronics) 第二版(Second Edition) ,拉扎维(Behzard Razavi),经典教材,国外电子电气工程技术丛书