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软件测试的艺术 原书第2版 》从第1版付梓到现在已经30余年 是软件测试领域的经典著作 《软件测试的艺术(原书第2版)》结构清晰 讲解生动活泼 简明扼要地展示了久经考验的软件测试方法和智慧 《软件测试的艺术(原书第2版)》以一次自评价测试开篇 从软件测试的心理学和经济学入手 探讨了代码检查 走查与评

Axure has rapidly become one of the leading tools for rapid prototyping in use today. There are many reasons for Axure's popularity. You can easily cr

Refactoring is an effective way to quickly uncover problematic code and fix it. In this first book to provide a hands-on approach to refactoring in C#
C# 16

Manytitlesincludeprogrammingcodeorconfigurationexamples.Tooptimizethe presentationoftheseelements,viewtheeBookinsingle-column,landscapemodeand adjustt
