Image processing for embedded devices by Sebastiano Battiato 书中详细介绍了嵌入式设备中涉及到的图像处理知识,内容包括:FundamentalsandHW/SWPartitioning、NotionsaboutOpticsandSensors、Exposurecorrection、Pre-acquisition:auto-focus、Colorrenditio
改进dijkstra算法寻找两点间所有最短路径matlab 两点间所有最短路径寻找 This is an implementation of the dijkstra algorithm, wich finds the minimal cost path between two nodes.
IEEE P2020Standard for Automotive System Image Quality White Paper 车载相机图像质量标准IEEE P2020白皮书; LED flicker standards image quality for viewing image quality for computer vision 列举现存图像质量标准与车用相机实际需求间的差距;