Metric Learning A Survey Themetriclearningproblemisconcernedwithlearningadistance functiontunedtoaparticulartask,andhasbeenshowntobeuseful whenusedinconjunctionwithnearest-nei
Theory of Active Learning Activelearningisaprotocolforsupervisedmachinelearning,inwhichalearningalgorithmsequentiallyrequeststhelabelsofselecteddatapointsfromalargepoolofunlabe
Kernels for Vector_Valued Functions A Review Kernelmethodsareamongthemostpopulartechniquesinmachinelearning.Fromaregularizationperspec-tivetheyplayacentralroleinregularizationtheoryastheyprovidea
DictionaryLearninginVisualComputing e last few years have witnessed fast development on dictionary learning approaches for a set of visual computing tasks, largely due to their utilizat
Graph_BasedSemi_SupervisedLearning While labeled data is expensive to prepare, ever increasing amounts of unlabeled data is becoming widely available. In order to adapt to this phenomen
ParticleFiltersforRobotNavigation Autonomous navigation is an essential capability for mobile robots. In order to operate robustly, a robot needs to know what the environment looks lik
DomainAdaptationforVisualRecognition Domain adaptation is an active, emerging research area that attempts to address the changes in data distribution across training and testing datasets.
InformationTheoryandStatisticsATutorial This tutorial is concerned with applications of information theory concepts in statistics, in the finite alphabet setting. The information measure kno