Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery XMPP P owers a w ide ranGe oF aPPliCations including instant messaging, multi-user chat, voice and video conferencing, collaborative spaces, real-time
Essential Mobile Interaction Design This text offers an introduction to and general overview of interaction design for all mobile computing platforms, with a particular emphasis on Googl
Future of Blockchain The speed and scale of this change are not abating. New developments are still being introduced and applied – and this creates a significant dividend
Social Casual and Mobile Games Mobile games, played on tablets and smartphones, mean that games are never further than arm’s length. Train carriages are often filled with players pu
Graphene Documentation2.0 Graphene Technology has been applied to several blockchain already. BitShares 2.0 has been the first application of Graphene technology and you will b
Learning Bitcoin In this book, we will introduce Bitcoin with a hands-on approach. We will begin with a simple and easy-to-follow introduction, which includes buying a
Options and Derivatives Programming in C++ ThisbooksattemptstoprovidethebasicprogrammingknowledgeneededbyC++programmersworkingwithoptionsandderivativesinthefinancialindustry.Thisisahands-onbook
Learning Material Design Coveringallmajordesignprinciplesandguidelinesandincludingenoughofthe technologiesandcoderequiredtoimplementthem,thebookisdesignedsothatyou cangetstart
Data Clustering in C++ ThisisaselectionfromthenotesthatIhaveusedinteachingprogrammingcoursesatSGIandAdobeoverthelast10years.(Someofthematerialgoesbackevenfurthertothecourses
Mobile Social Game Design Monetization Methods and Mechanics2nd Edition Thisbookwillalsoexplainhowthegamingindustryarrivedwhereitistodaybygivinganoverviewofthemajorphasesoftheevolutionofthegamingsector.We’lldiscussthewayea