C#高级编程英文第6版加源码.part3.rar If we were to describe the C# language and its associated environment, the .NET Framework, as the most important new technology for developers for man
C#高级编程英文第6版加源码.part2.rar If we were to describe the C# language and its associated environment, the .NET Framework, as the most important new technology for developers for man
C#高级编程英文第6版加源码.part1.rar If we were to describe the C# language and its associated environment, the .NET Framework, as the most important new technology for developers for man
从项目中剥离出来的通用存储过程分页源代码 原项目中使用Oracle存储过程进行分页,前端借助AspNetPager控件进行分页控制,使用简单方便,并可容易地实现绑定控件(如GridView)的自动编号列功能。现将数据库改用SqlServer2000,经测试,能很好地实现分页功能,绝对适用
.NET下支持Javascript客户端控制的ToolBar控件 源码来自网上,具体来自何处记不得了,Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls中的ToolBar控件并不支持JavaScript控制是否提交,经过作者的扩展已将此功能实现,在此非常感谢这位朋友