IEC6267652018Data specifications and image quality performance IEC Technical Committee 79 in charge of alarm and electronic security systems together with many governmental organizations, test houses and equipment
R REC BT.20202201510.pdf Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange
R REC BT.21002201807.pdf Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange
ISO165052019Road vehicles Ergonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monit The purpose of this document is to give minimum safety, ergonomic, and performance requirements and test methods for Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) to r
CIE_152004_Colorimetry.pdf This publication provides the recommendations of the CIE concerning basic colorimetry. Specifically, it includes the use of the standard illuminants a
The Automotive MirrorReplacement Technology based on ISO16505 This contribution presents a discussion of automotive mirrorreplacement by camera monitor systems (CMS). This is a growing research and development fi
ICRU Report54The Assessment of Image Quality Duringthepasttwodecades,thefieldofmedicalimaginghasachieveddramaticimprovementsinimagingsystemcapabilitywithaccompanyingincreasesinsystemcomplexity.Mu
Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding Thehandisquickerthantheeye.Inmanycases,soisdigitalvideo.Maintainingimagequalityinbandwidth-andmemory-restrictedenvironmentsisquicklybecomingarealityas
A Computational Perspective on Visual Attention AttentioninvisionissomethingthatIthinkhasfascinatedmesincemyundergraduatedaysattheUniversityofToronto.ThatisprettysurprisingbecauseIwenttouniversitywa