Design and Applications of Frequency Tunable and Reconfigurable Metamaterials Thisdissertationsummarizesseveralkeyprojectsrelatedtomyresearcheffortsinmetamaterials.Themainfocusofthisdissertationistodeveloppracticalapproachestofr
Microstrip Filters for RF and Microwave Applications MicrostripFiltersforRF/MicrowaveApplicationsoffersauniqueandcomprehensivetreatmentofRF/microwavefiltersbasedonthemicrostripstructure,providingalinktoa
Microwavefilterdesign This thesis presents an entire design process for filter synthesis of narrow to moderate bandwidth filters, from an investigation of the basic theory
Microstrip Filter Design Using Electromagnetics In this talk we will start with some simple microstrip geometries to introduce basic field-solver and visualization concepts. Next, the field-solver w
Microwave filter disign by synthesis and optimization First we review synthesis of narrow or moderate bandwidth band-pass filters and present some examples of approximate dimensioning. We then introduce e