Predicting Serial Killers Home Base Using a Decision Support System The effectiveness of a geographical decision support tool (Dragnet) for locating the base of serial offenders was compared across 570 models comprised
The Use of Fourier Descriptor for Geographical Profile There is a theoretical and experimental evidence that Fourier analysis is a powerful tool for tackling image processing problems. Its usefulness has b
地理信息系统地址自动匹配 摘要: 地址自动匹配算法是利用Oracle 空间数据库实现快速地将以自然语言描述的地址信息 定位到含有基础POI 的地图上, 解决了以前传统的MIS 数据库中黄页信息的地址和GIS 数据难以 互相匹配的问题。高效的地址模糊与智能匹配算法, 为拓展GIS 技术的应用广度、深度提供了关键 的技术支持。
Geographic Profiling of Terrorist Attacks Through the use of a computerized geographic profiling system and two case studies, this chapter examines the applicability of geographic profiling in
Estimating the Size of Criminal Populations The estimation of total population size for various phenomena of crime is an important factor critical for criminal justice policy formulation and cri
PLACE SPACE AND POLICE Police investigations of serial murder, rape and arson can be assisted by a geographic perspective on the spatial behavior that led to the crime scene
1990年以来西方城市社会地理学研究进展 Western scientific geography originated from the influential quantitative revolution in 1950s. As a result, rapid progresses were achieved in both geo
A Methodological Model Cluesderivedfromthelocationsconnectedtoviolentrepeatcriminaloffenders,suchasserialmurderers,rapists,andarsonists,canbeofsignificantassistancetolawenfo
Statistical Models of Life Events and Criminal Behavior Thegoalofdevelopmentalandlifecoursecriminologyistounderstandpatternsofcrimeanddelinquencyoverthelifecourse.Todate,researchinthisfieldhasdevotedagreatd