Game Engine Architecture1st edition Jason Gregory A 2010 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title This course resource provides an excellent, comprehensive look at every major system and issue related to mod
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Head First Design Patterns Eric Freeman Bert Bates etc. AmazonCustomerReview 277of298peoplefoundthefollowingreviewhelpful ★★★★★BestwaytolearnDesignPatterns ByJackD.HerringtononNovember10,2004 AtfirstIdidn't
Scalability Rules Martin L.Abbott Michael T.Fisher Preface ThanksforyourinterestinScalabilityRules!Thisbookismeanttoserveasaprimer,arefresher,andalightweightreferencemanualtohelpengineers,architects,a
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GameEngineArchitectureSecondEditionpart1_JasonGregory Preface to the Second Edition In this, the second edition of Game Engine Architecture, my goal was threefold. First, I wanted to update the book to in
GameEngineArchitectureSecondEditionpart2_JasonGregory Preface to the Second Edition In this, the second edition of Game Engine Architecture, my goal was threefold. First, I wanted to update the book to in
A Software Engineer Learns HTML5JavaScript JQuery_Dane Cameron Preface JavaScript (and its frameworks such as jQuery) and HTML (along with its style sheet language CSS) have become a ubiquitous presence in softwar
Building Scalable Web Sites_Cal Henderson What This Book Is About This book is primarily about web application design: the design of software and hardware systems for web applications. We’ll b