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IBM 13


WPF高级编程中文版,PDF扫描文件。 作者:(美国)(Andrade.C.)安德拉德 等 译者:王德才 吴明飞 ,《WPF高级编程》通过使用Visual Studio创建几个示例程序,带领您快速进入应用程序开发。此外,还将介绍XAML—— 创建用户界面的新标记语言。XAML实际上是独立于WPF的一
C# 33

The ideas in Erlang are difficult to trace to a single source. Many features of the language have been influenced and improved as a result of comments

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in