Modeling missing data in knowledge space theory The problem that arises in these cases is how to deal with missing data. In this article, the missingness is analyzed in knowledge space theory
A Mixture Group Bifactor Model for Binary Responses A Mixture Group Bifactor Model for Binary Responses
Modeling and Analysis of Compositional Data ModelingandAnalysisofCompositionalDatapresentsapracticalandcomprehensiveintroductiontotheanalysisofcompositionaldataalongwithnumerousexamplestoillustr
hyperbolic cosine latent trait model for unfolding response ahyperboliccosinelatenttraitmodelforunfoldingdichotomoussinglestimulusresponses
ItemselectionviaBayesianIRTmodels With reference to a questionnaire that aimed to assess the quality of life for dysarthric speakers, we investigate the usefulness of a model-based pro
How IRT Can Solve Problems of Ipsative Data in Forced_Choice Questionnaires How IRT Can Solve Problems of Ipsative Data in Forced-Choice Questionnaires
Generalized latent variable models with non_linear effects Generalized latent variable models with non-linear effects