佩雷尔曼关于庞加莱猜想的论文0211159.pdf The Ricci flow equation, introduced by Richard Hamilton [H 1], is the evolution equation d gij(t) = −2Rij for a riemannian metric gij(t). In his dt se
real and complex analysis_Walter rudin InthisbookIpresentananalysiscoursewhichIhaveteachtofirstyeargraduatestudentsattheUnivereityofWisconsinsince1962.Thecoursewasdevelopedfortworeasons.The
gtm009LieAlgebrasandRepresentationTheory_JamesEHumphreys This book is designed to introduce the reader to the theory of semisimple Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, with em
W.Rudin principles of mathematicals analysis1976 数学分析基础,比国内的同类教材深一点。 This book is intended to serve as a text for the course in analysis that is usually taken by advanced undergraduates or by first-y