Meanshift Clustering for DNA Microarray Analysis this essay introduces the application of mean shift algorithm in dna analysis. It's very inspiring.
edison程序编译vc++CRT加GUI this file contains 2 file:1,edison-debug, the gui version project for edison. Building procedure,first, ensure you have installed wxMSW (I use wxwidge
matlab manuallet c++连接matlab之研究MATLAB GUI程序段MATLAB6.0数学手册doc版 This cart carries many files listed below:1,matlab manual and introductory tutorials is a brief introduction to matlab;2,c++连接matlab之研究,Taiwan,with ma
ENVI与IDL二次开发教程important aspects of global model mapping technology NoW THAT envi is in intense relation with arcgis, IDL catches on. this file briefly tells you how to program in idl and a supplementary file named On
c#matrix code kernel density estimator functions in matlab mahalanobis there are three files in this zip.1, c# code for matrix and a small tutorial,2, kde -kernel density estimator toolkit in matlab,3, a .m file for mahal
mtl2.1.220matrix template library c++ I downloaded this template library for matrix manipulation when I tried to use matrix in vc++. It's a good library, with many functions, and common im
Modified fast adaptive mean shift compiled in vc++6加kappa coefficient This file contains some necessary essays for mfams and the project building mfams. and a matrix library named newmat10, if you want to use matrix and