Topologia de Espacios Metricos Iribarren en Español Topology of Metric Spaces, for students of Mathematics and Engineering, in Spanish.
The Language of Mathematics Thisthesisattemptsaformalizationofthelanguageofmathematicaltextsdefinitionstheoremsformulasregardedasspecialnaturallanguagetexts;theformalizationaimst
Introduction to Modern Cryptography Theviewpointtakenthroughoutthesenotesistoemphasizethetheoryofcryptographyasitcanbeappliedtopractice.
LinearRegressionAnalysis2ndEdition_Seber_Lee_2003 StatisticsBookFocusedonLinearRegressionAnalysis,forStudentsofSciencesandEngineering.
PrecalculusbySheldonAxler This book seeks to prepare students to succeed in calculus. Thus this book focuses on topics that students need for calculus, especially first-semeste
CareersInEngineering The book benefits from the insights and expertise of people of the National Society for Professional Engineers who made sure that the book contains th
UnderstandingBitcoinCryptographyEngineeringAndEconomicsPedroFranco The book exposes many concepts of the cryptocurrencies’ world. It covers a wide range of topics, from the economics or the basic technology, such as e
Mathematical Cryptology These lecture notes were translated from the Finnish lecture notes for the TUT course ”Mate maattinen kryptologia” The laborious bulk translation was