photoshopCS5抠图与调色圣经 本书详细的介绍了ps的抠图与调色方面的内容。Adobe Photoshop CS5是平面设计方面的主流软件,也是目前最为流行的图像处理软件,随着数码技术的不断发展,人们对平面作品的要求也越来越高。本书通过大量的实例介绍了一些抠图与调色的方法和技巧。本书讲解细致,结构精美,可操作性强,具有很强的实用性
GettingStartedwithUnity5eBook Preface viii Chapter 1: Getting Jiggy with the Unity Interface 1 Why Unity? 2 Getting your hands on Unity 3 Projects 4 Layouts 7 Views 10 The Scene vi
Learning Unity Physics Chapter 1, Introduction to Physics in Unity3D, serves as a quick introduction to Physics, and specifically Physics in Unity3D. We will also learn abou