#GDC2018FINAL FANTASY XV_Behind_the_Scene_GDC2018.pdf Session Description: Improving visual fidelity in modern games is a challenging task and Final Fantasy XV was not an exception. Doing this requires de
#GDC2018gdc18_aftermath_Adunn.pdf Session Description: An update on what’s been happening in the world of TDR debugging and NVIDIA’s ‘Aftermath’ technology. With the increasing complex
#GDC2017Insomniac s Web Tools A Postmortem “Insomniac’s Web Tools: A Postmortem” – Andreas Fredriksson (Insomniac Games)
#GDC18DevTools Sponsored Session.pdf Session Description: In this session, the Developer Tools team at NVIDIA will present a powerful new tool for graphics debugging and profiling. We’ll
#GDC2017VR Best Practices Putting the fun in VR Funhouse VR Funhouse is a high end experience using the latest in Gameworks technology. We will dive deep into the lessons learned through the production of VR
#GDC2018Advances in the HDR Eco System_GDC2018.pdf Session Description: HDR display devices have received much attention recently. However, most of the focus has been on TVs, making it difficult for pr
#GDC2017FrameGraph Extensible Rendering Architecture in Frostbite “FrameGraph: Extensible Rendering Architecture in Frostbite” – Yuriy O’Donnell (Frostbite / Electronic Arts)
#GDC2018Fixing_The_Hyperdrive_GDC_2018.pdf Session Description: With the release of Nsight 5.5, a subset of the key GPU hardware metrics we have been using at NVIDIA to come up with driver-side
#GDC2017NVIDIA GDC Presentations Introduction to Deep Learning Deep learning, a branch of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), is changing the the entire computing industry. Learn how to leverage dee
#GDC2018GFE Ansel_Highlights GDC2018.pdf SessionDescription:Inthistalk,wewillshowhowtoeasilyintegrateGeForceExperienceplatformfeatureslikeNVIDIAAnselphotomodeandNVIDIAHighlightsvideorecording