DirectX.11游戏编程入门 The goal of this book is to teach you the various aspects of DirectX 11. The target audience for this text is beginning/intermediate C++ programmers w
龙书英文版源码 This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computergraphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. Itteaches you the
Directx12游戏开发 很好的DX12游戏开发入门教程,讲解的非常简洁,思路清晰,很容易学习,适合初学者致谢内容内容提要内前言内容目录Direc123D游戏开发…致谢第·部分Drec入门12第一章 Directx的邂逅11.1 Directx简介1.1.1 Direct是何物.….121.12 Directx的各个版本…1