Contextual Approach to Quantum Formalism Theaimofthisbookistoshowthattheprobabilisticformalismsofclassicalstatisticalmechanicsandquantummechanicscanbeunifiedonthebasisofageneralcontextualprob
Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications Particles Plasmons and Waves ComputationalMethodsforNanoscaleApplications:Particles,PlasmonsandWavespresentsnewperspectivesonmodernnanoscaleproblemswherefundamentalsciencemeetstec
NuclearFusionResearch_UnderstandingPlasma_SurfaceInteractions It became clear in the early days of fusion research that the effects of the containment vessel (erosion of "impurities") degrade the overall fusion p
The Complete Idiot s Guide to Green Building and Remodeling This guide helps environmentally conscious people make real-world decisions about building or remodeling a home. Readers will find information on how
NANO QUANTUM AND MOLECULAR COMPUTING One of the grand challenges in the nano-scopic computing era is guarantees of robustness. Robust computing system design is confronted with quantum ph