电信悦me_中国电信智能终端定制开发规范 集成适配电信提供的APK:LauncherAPK,优朋APK,应用商城APK其中LauncherAPK是中国电信智慧家庭统一桌面,中国电信智慧家庭统一桌面程序包名:com.ihome.android.launcher2,终端开机时默认启动中国电信智慧家庭统一桌面
gts问题列表 Test failed to run to completion. Reason: 'Failed to receive adb shell test output within 600000 ms. Test may have timed out, or adb connection to dev
CTS兼容性测试 Test failed to run to completion. Reason: 'Failed to receive adb shell test output within 600000 ms. Test may have timed out, or adb connection to dev