XORs in the Air Practical Wireless Network Coding Abstract—This paper proposes COPE, a new architecture for wireless mesh networks. In addition to forwarding packets, routers mix (i.e., code) packets
On Practical Design for Joint Distributed Source and Network Coding Abstract—Thispaperconsiderstheproblemofcommunicating correlatedinformationfrommultiplesourcenodesoveranetwork ofnoiselesschannelstomultipledestination
On Secret Reconstruction in Secret Sharing Schemes Abstract—Asecretsharingschemetypicallyrequiressecurecommunicationsineachoftwodistributionphases:1)adealerdistributessharestoparticipants(sharedistribu
Efficient Broadcasting Using Network Coding abstract: We consider the problem of broadcasting in an ad hoc wireless network, where all nodes of the network are sources that want to transmit info