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微软编程规范-原版。C# (pronounced “See Sharp”) is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. C# has its roots in the C family of la
C# 23

(60 MB) Use this MSI installer package to start coding .NET applications that access the Oracle Database. Oracle Data Provider for .NET provides Oracl

(60MB) UsethisMSIinstallerpackagetostartcoding.NETapplicationsthataccesstheOracleDatabase.OracleDataProviderfor.NETprovidesOracledataaccessinyour.NET

Important:IfinstallingODACintoanexistingOracle12chome,reviewthe"CommonInstallandSetupIssues"sectionoftheODACinstallationinstructions. Thisdownloadinc


Copssh is an OpenSSH server and client implementation for Windows systems with an administration GUI. You can use Copssh for remote administration of