kettle5.0.107 Installsinminutes;youcanbeproductiveinoneafternoon 100%JavawithcrossplatformsupportforWindows,Linux,andMacintosh Easytousegraphicaldesignerwithover100
kettle5.0.104 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.102 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.108 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.103 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.109 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.106 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi
kettle5.0.1 Installs in minutes; you can be productive in one afternoon 100% Java with cross platform support for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Easy to use graphi