Video Bioinformatics From Live Imaging to Knowledge The Computational Biology series publishes the very latest, high-quality research devoted to specific issues in computer-assisted analysis of biologic
Bayesian Essentials with R The purpose of this book is to provide a self-contained entry into practical and computational Bayesian statistics using generic examples from the mos
Seamless R and C++Integration with Rcpp RcppisanRadd-onpackagewhichfacilitatesextendingRwithC++functions.Itisbeingusedforanythingfromsmallandquicklyconstructedadd-onfunctionswritteneithertof
Learn Unity for Android Game Development AGuide to Game Design Development ContentsataGlanceAbouttheAuthorxiiiAbouttheTechnicalReviewerxvAcknowledgmentsxviiIntroductionxix■Chapter1:WhyThisIsanIncrediblyExcitingTimetoDevelopGa
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition. The12theventoftheInternationalConferenceonMachineLearningandDataMiningMLDM2016washeldinNewYork(“T
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