Embedded Digital Signal Processing Systems With continuing progress in VLSI and ASIC technologies, digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms have continued to find great use in increasingly wi
Software Ecosystems Understanding An Indispensable Technology And Industry In this book, software technology and the myriad issues that surround its dissemination and use are examined from a number of relevant perspectives. T
Modern Compiler Implementation in Java Thistextbookdescribesallphasesofacompiler:lexicalanalysis,parsing,abstractsyntax,semanticactions, intermediaterepresentations,instructionselectionviat
3D Video communication Algorithms 3DVideocommunicationAlgorithms,conceptsandreal-timesystemsinhumancentredcommunication
Modern Spectral Estimation Thegeneralproblemofspcctralestimation:determinethespectralcontcntofarandomprocessbasedonafinitesetofobservationsfromthatprocess.
Introduction to Space_Time wireless Communications Wireless networks are under constant pressure to provide ever higher data rates to increasing numbers of users with greater reliability. Space-time pr