Introduction_to_Computation_and_Programming_using_Python ThisbookisbasedonanMITcoursethathasbeenofferedtwiceayearsince2006.Thecourseisaimedatstudentswithlittleornopriorprogrammingexperiencewhohavedesiretound
Machine Learning For Dummies Thetermmachinelearninghasallsortsofmeaningsattachedtoittoday,especiallyafterHollywood’s(andothers’)moviestudioshavegottenintothepicture.FilmssuchasExM
Algorithms Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in
UsingtheGNUCompilerCollectionv730 This manual documents how to use the GNU compilers, as well as their features and incom- patibilities, and how to report bugs. It corresponds to the c
UsingtheGNUCompilerCollectionv820 This manual documents how to use the GNU compilers, as well as their features and incom- patibilities, and how to report bugs. It corresponds to the c
ProGIt中文版 欢迎来到 Pro Git 第二版。 第一版出版到现在已经过去了四年。 到今天,Git 虽然出现了许多改变,但是还有很多重要的事情一如昨日。 因为 Git 核心团队对保持向后兼容性异常固执,所以直到今天大多数核心命令与概念依然有效,但是围绕 Git 的社区还是有一些重大的增加与改变。 本书的第二版就是