2018年以来最重要的10篇AI研究论文.zip 2018年以来最重要的10篇AI研究论文,总结了2018年以来最重要的10篇AI研究论文,让你对今年机器学习的进展 有一个大致的了解。当然,还有很多具有突破性的论文值得一读,但本文作者认为这是一个很 好的列表,你可以从它开始。
Learning Sequence Encoders for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion.pdf Learning from positive and unlabeled data or PU learning is the setting where a learner only has access to positive examples and unlabeled data. The a
Learning representations on graphs.pdf Networks are everywhere. Popular examples include social networks, the hyperlinked World Wide Web, transportation networks, electricity power networks
639Multi scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features.pdf Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have shown their promise as a universal representation for recognition. However, global CNN activations lack
Reversible Recurrent Neural Networks.pdf Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) provide state-of-the-art performance in processing sequential data but are memory intensive to train, limiting the fl
Joint Multilingual Supervision for Cross lingual Entity Linking.pdf Cross-lingual Entity Linking (XEL) aims to ground entity mentions written in any language to an English Knowledge Base (KB), such as Wikipedia. XEL fo
Wide Residual Networks.pdf Deep residual networks were shown to be able to scale up to thousands of layers and still have improving performance. However, each fraction of a perc
Compositional Language Understanding with Textbased Relational Reasoning.pdf Neuralnetworksfornaturallanguagereasoninghavelargelyfocusedonextractive, fact-basedquestion-answering(QA)andcommon-senseinference.However,itis alsoc