Towards Effective Low bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks This paper tackles the problem of training a deep convolutional neural network with both low-precision weights and low-bitwidth activations. Optimizin
Hardware Video Encoding on iPhone RTSP Server example 源网站: On iOS, the only way to use hardware acceleration when encoding video is to use AVAssetW
Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition Developingneuralnetworkimageclassificationmodelsoftenrequiressignificantarchitectureengineering.Inthispaper,westudyamethodtolearnthemodelarchitectures
LayoutNet Reconstructing the3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image Weproposeanalgorithmtopredictroomlayoutfromasingleimagethatgeneralizesacrosspanoramasandperspectiveimages,cuboidlayoutsandmoregenerallayouts(e.g.“L”-s
LionsandTigersCVPR2018paper Animals from Images. We generate 3D textured articulated models of animals from images. Starting from an initial coarse shape obtained with the SMAL m