Create a package Vehicles a sub directory under the working directory that hol Define an abstract class Vehicle in the file, add data members that can hold the following information: Vehicle type (Car, Bus, Truck or
Define inheritance classes Car Inaddition,theclassCarshouldcontaindatamembersthatcanholdthefollowinginformation:Cartype(shouldbeoneofLight,Small,Medium,Large,Hybrid,Luxury,Sporttype
PLSQLSERVER Execute a script file connection.sql to create a relational table CONNECTION(FROMCITY, TOCITY, DISTANCE) and load sample data into it. The table conta
DefineinheritanceclassesCarBusTruckandMotorinthefilesCarjavaBusjava The class Bus should include data members that hold the following information: Bus type (should be one of Small, Medium, Large types), number of seats