The Contradictory Sides of Abstract : This t hesis is devoted to t he discussion of t he cont radictory aspect s in Hamlet’ s character and t he analysis over t he forming of al
On the Alternative Use of Verse and Prose in Hamlet [Abstract]As a master in language, William Shakespeare is proficient in using verse and prose alternatively in his tragedies and come- dies, which is
Hamlet and His Melancholy Character W hat’ s the theme of ham let? H is t ragedies of ten po r t ray e noble hero w ho faces the injust ice of human life and is h t in a diff icult situa
THEPERSONALITYDETERMINESDESTINY Abstract : Shakespeare’ s great t ragedy, Ham let, descr ibes the Denmark p r ince’ s character and act ion, reveals the con2 t radict ion of humanity
性格决定命运论哈姆雷特的性格与命运 哈姆雷特的性格是复杂的 ,他的性格中既有软弱性又有坚强性。软弱的一面 ,造成了 他在复仇行动中的犹豫不决。坚强的一面也表现在他的行为之中 ,使他不甘默然忍受暴虐的毒 箭 ,而是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难。他性格中的这两个方面造成了他最终的命运悲剧。 ① 关键词:性格;软弱;坚强;命运