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Offered in 32Mx8bit , the K9F5608X0D is 256M bit with spare 8M bit capacity. The device is offered in 1.8V, 2.65V, 3.3V Vcc. Its NAND cell provides th

The OPA357 series of high-speed, voltage-feedback CMOS operational amplifiers are designed for video and other applications requiring wide bandwidth.

C51活泼流水灯(C语言) 实验要求] 单片机P1口相连的8个发光二极管中的一个循环移位点亮,同时蜂鸣器发出滴滴的响声。 蜂鸣器用一PNP三极管驱动,集电极(C极)通过蜂鸣器线圈接5V电源,基极(B极)是控制端,发射极(E极)接地,当三极管C,B极PN结正偏时,PN结导通,即B极为低电平时,三极管
C 25



The DM9161B is a physical layer, single-chip, and low power transceiver for 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T operations. On the media side, it provides a direc