NGUI_Next_Gen_UI v3.0.2最新 NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework. Features - Full Inspector integration - No need to hit Play to see the results - S
NGUI NextGen UI v3.0.7 3.0.7f1isout.Theanchoringsystemhasbeenimprovedfurther,lettingyoufreelymove,rotateandscaleanchoredcomponentsandsimplifyingtheoverallpresentation.3.0.7f
NGUINext_GenUIv305 3.0.5 - NEW: Added a way to set Localization's language using specified name and dictionary combo - NEW: Added UIInput.onChange that gets called whene
NGUINext_GenUIv306 3.0.6 - NEW: NGUI now has new written documentation. - NEW: NGUI now has an abundance of context-sensitive help. Just right click on an NGUI component