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GIF Movie Gear is a professional GIF animation software with APNG support. Animated PNG: Simple Animation with an Alpha Channel

Japng Editor is a Java library/editor to create APNGs from a sequence of individual images. Japng is all about creating APNG's from a sequence of indi

apng工具 APNG Assembler is an easy-to-use tool to make Animated PNG from PNG/TGA image sequence. Creates highly optimized APNG files, uses lots of trick

本技术要求作为显示器的节能产品认证依据。 本技术要求根据我国显示器生产和使用的现状制定,并参考了国外类似技术要求。 本技术要求由中国节能产品认证管理委员会(CCEC)提出并归口。 本技术要求主要起草单位:中国节能产品认证中心、国家电子计算机质量监督检验中心、 信息产业部节能监测中心和国家电子计算机外

APNG APNG Tools and Plugins Usage apngopt [options] anim.png [anim_opt.png] Options -z0 : zlib compression -z1 : 7zip compression (default) -z2 : Zopf

hddb 绿色版 V4.4.0 包括64位和32位 本工具是本地文件快速搜索工具 。说起本地文件搜索工具,大家的第一念头就是 Everything。Everything 虽好,但需要 UAC 却是一大弊端,HDDB和 Everything 效果一致但无需 UAC 。

TweakPNG is a low-level utility for examining and modifying PNG/APNG files. You could edit time delays in fcTL chunks, assign a transparent color by c
SUN 12

gif2apng is a simple program that converts animations from GIF to APNG format. It disproves the common misconception that Animated PNG files are alway